Minimum Standard Requirements

Minimum Standards & Guidelines for Commercial Services

The Minimum Standards project was initiated to provide the threshold entry requirements (qualifications, levels of service, facilities, insurance) for those wishing to provide aeronautical services to the public and to insure that those who have undertaken to provide commodities and services as approved are not exposed to unfair or irresponsible competition. Minimum Standards have been in place at many airports nationwide and are supported by the FAA.

Our Minimum Standards were developed taking into consideration the aviation role of the Kenai Municipal Airport, facilities that currently exist at the Airport, services currently being offered at the Airport, and the future development and aviation services planned for the Airport. These Minimum Standards and Guidelines contain the minimum levels of service, facilities, staffing, insurance, and environmental compliance that must be met by the prospective service provider.

The uniform application of these standards relates primarily to the public interest by discouraging substandard entrepreneurs and mandating insurance coverage levels, thereby protecting the Airport, airport patrons and established aeronautical activities. 

For further information on this project, please contact Mary Bondurant, Airport Manager. You can contact Mary at 907-283-7951

To read the Kenai, Alaska Airport Minimum Standard Requirements, please download the following document: