South Beach

Access is from Old Cannery Rd. off of Cannery Rd. A fee shack is provided at this location and is staffed 24 hours during the fishery.

Remember… your paid parking receipt must be hung from the mirror of your vehicle and paid camping receipt attached to your tent. If setting up a tent on the beach, please place it as close to your vehicle as possible.

Parking on South Beach

Traveling on the beach: Access onto the beach requires use of a four-wheel drive or all-terrain vehicle (approximately three miles to the mouth of river). Extreme caution must be exercised due to soft sand and unforgiving tides.

Protect the dunes and vegetative areas by driving (including ATV’s) below the high tide mark. The vegetative areas on the Kenai South Shore provide valuable habitat for shorebirds and other waterfowl.

Restrooms/Dumpsters: Restrooms and dumpsters are limited but are serviced daily. Use the restrooms provided and practice “pack-it-in, pack-it-out” standards as much as possible to keep the beach clean.