Parks and Recreation Commission


The Parks and Recreation Commission, mandated by Kenai Municipal Code Title 19, shall develop, adopt, alter or revise subject to approval by the City Council, a master plan for the physical development of recreation facilities for the City.  This master plan with accompanying maps, plats and charts shall show the Commission’s recommendations for the development of the City’s recreation facilities and may include development of  the type and location of all public recreation facilities or the relocation, removal, extension, or change of use of existing recreation facilities.  Further, the Commission shall investigate any matters related to City recreation, prepare reports and plans for approval by City Council, and act in an advisory capacity in the selection of a Director of Parks and Recreation.

Meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission are held on the first Thursday of every month with the exception of  July. Meetings are at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. 


Parks and Recreation Commission Members

Charlie Stephens (2024)
Jennifer Joanis  (2024)

Sovala Kisena, Vice Chair (2025)

Kyle Graham  (2025)

Michael Bernard  (2026)

Grant Wisniewski, Chair  (2026)
(907) 252-1500 (c)

Nigel LaRiccia (2026)

Student Representative

Council Liaison
Deborah Sounart, Council Member


Tyler Best, Parks and Recreation Director
(907) 283-8261

City Clerk's Office
(907) 283-8231


Helpful Links

Parks, Recreation & Beautification Department